Top B2B Marketing Automation Tools to Level Up Your Business in 2024

Top 20 B2B Marketing Automation Tools

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B2B marketing automation is today’s key to business growth. You hear about intelligent marketing pretty much everywhere. No surprise: the number of B2B marketing automation platforms is constantly growing, and more startups are hurrying to help companies generate and nurture tons of leads on a daily basis. 

However, the bigger the choice, the harder it is: many of those solutions also do not cope with the high demands of modern marketing strategies. How do you choose a reliable B2B marketing automation software that will be worth its costs (well, also not a costly one, please….).

We at have done the research for you and want to share 20 top-rated B2B marketing automation tools that you’ll be most likely to benefit from.

We’ve classified them into five groups according to the tasks they solve:

1. Tools that generate content using AI 

2. Marketing outreach software 

3. Social media automation tools

4. All-in-one platforms

5. PPC automation solutions 

Ready to boost your business with the best B2B marketing automation tools? Let’s get started!

B2B Marketing Automation Software That Generates Content Using AI

Text content is the essential source of leads for your business, as modern consumers like to research and get educated through reading and watching (so they are always googling, aren’t they?). However, keeping your online presence regular and creating engaging messaging can be challenging. These B2B marketing automation tools will help you generate engaging and fun content and gain prospects with no effort:

1. Article Forge

Article Forge needs only several keywords to generate an article of the set length. The AI deep learning methods of Article Forge let it work like a human brain while writing unique and natural texts. The tool is able to create content on such topics as health, business, finance, and technology in a couple of minutes. Article Forge’s articles go through the Copyscape service and come out plagiarism-free. Moreover, you can embed videos and images into the text.

Pricing: pay $57 per month or save almost 50% with the annual price of $324. A 5-day demo version is available.

2. Articoolo

Articoolo is a text-generating robot that can create articles of up to 500 words. Write a couple of phrases to describe the topic and choose either ‘enhanced uniqueness’ or ‘better readability’ option. You will get the content with already embedded keywords. However, sometimes the text needs slight editing. Well, it’s quite a nice tool for b2b marketing automation for small businesses.

Pricing: you can either pay per bunch of articles (up to $2 per one article) or choose one of the monthly subscriptions that charge from $0.97 to $0.40 per article).

3. Wordsmith

Wordsmith is an NLG (natural language generation) tool that converts the uploaded data into personalized articles and various reports with a human approach. Being perfect for data interpreting, this software translates metrics into readable text that can save time for marketing teams while generating content for their readers. 

Pricing: the official site offers a demo, but does not state any pricing plans.

4. BuzzSumo

One of the most well-known B2B marketing automation software companies, BuzzSumo should be mentioned in this group. Why? Because it’s just a perfect source of ideas that will help you to generate high-converting content. BuzzSumo is famous for lovely content marketing, research, and monitoring capabilities. It generates SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) insights for content marketers, PPC, SEO, and SM professionals, enabling them to detect niche influencers, identify keywords, and trace trends. 

Pricing: starts from $99/month or $79/month when billed annually. A 30-day free trial is available. 

Marketing Outreach Software (Email and LinkedIn)

5. Mailshake

This B2B marketing automation software copes with sending sequences of emails to potential prospects. Its intuitive interface is inviting, and onboarding educational webinars help you understand cold emailing and Mailshake’s role in it. Trace the forwarded sequences, receive replies and manage the sending plan in the “Campaign” section. 

Pricing: pay $59 user/month or $44 user/month billed annually. A demo version is available.

6. Signum.AI 

Signum.AI gives you powerful tools to keep an eye on what your CRM contacts are up to. It helps you see how they’re interacting on social media, stay in the loop about job changes, figure out what they like to buy, and spot specific keywords they mention. By analyzing this information, you get useful insights that maximize the potential of your CRM contacts.

Pricing: the price depends on volume. There is a demo available.

7. Lemlist

Our fav one. 🙂 Lemlist works with various email providers and is compatible with a number of CRMs like Slack or HubSpot, allowing data transfer between them. Prospects enjoy reading highly-personalized emails with dynamic pictures, which makes Lemlist different from numerous similar solutions. 

Pricing: $59 user/month or $49 user/month billed annually. A free trial is available.

8. Expandi

This LinkedIn outreach tool is very effective due to several features. For example, its smart box for messaging allows you to have a better communication experience and not miss a single message from your leads. And the dynamic personalization lets your business get many more responses compared to simply mentioning the prospect’s name and company title.  

Pricing: $99 per account per month is the only option so far.

9. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Since this B2B marketing automation platform benefits from knowing the structure and having access to many inner algorithms of LinkedIn, it successfully connects sellers with customers and helps businesses close deals. Choosing the proper criteria (company industry and size, titles, and roles of its managers) helps you define and target your prospects. 

Pricing: $65 is a monthly fee (billed annually) for a Professional subscription. A free demo is available. 

Social Media Automation Tools

10. Missinglettr

This tool uses Machine Learning and AI to make social network posts from blog posts. Missinlettr scans the article, picks up some quotes and pictures, places a link to your blog, proposes hashtags, and sends the draft to your email for approval. You can schedule such posts to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn during the next year. 

Pricing: for 500 posts you pay $19/month or $15/month billed annually. The Pro version costs $59/month or $49/month billed annually. A 14-day free trial is available.

11. CoSchedule

Compared to other B2B marketing automation platforms CoSchedule is not simply a content scheduler. It allows improving content with effective headlines and organizing content with marketing calendars before posting it on SM platforms. With CoSchedule, companies can manage their workflow and set the approval points, as well as aggregate several accounts in one system. 

Pricing: $39 user/month or $29 user/month billed annually. A free 14-day trial is available.

12. Hootsuite 

Hootsuite has proven to be quite a comprehensive social media management tool that boasts a great support team. The analytics showing the performance of an SM post on different platforms helps to adjust future feeds. Hootsuite is a great B2B marketing automation tool for small businesses, as it offers free courses to understand what to post and how to optimize SM pages and profiles.

Pricing: starts from $19/month for one user and 10 SM accounts with a free 30-day trial available.

13. Sendible

Sendible is among the best instruments for social media management as it works with almost every SM network: Facebook groups, pages and ads, Instagram, Google My Business, Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Sendible can be a great social media dashboard solution for small businesses.

Pricing: starts from $29/month or $25/month when billed annually. A 14-day free trial is available. 

All-in-One B2B Marketing Automation Platforms

14. Zoho Social

Zoho Social boasts not only its social media management platform but also offers email management and accounting tools. You can create new reports based on your data or use the predefined templates, which make it a great team-based option. Zoho Social schedules and sends posts to Google My Business, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Pricing: starts at EUR 15/month (EUR 10/month when billed annually) for a standard account. The professional plan is EUR 35/month (EUR 25/month when billed annually). You can add members and brands for an additional fee. The demo is available through Zoho Social product experts.

15. Agorapulse

This B2B marketing automation tool allows keeping your social media interactions in one inbox. Thus, businesses can track mentions, comments, and reviews (arising in chronological order) of their posts. Moreover, you can set the moderation rules and reply with templates, which lets you react promptly. Store various post queues and use the CRM tool to reach your followers and influencers. Create alerts to new hashtags, trends, and keywords. 

Pricing: starts at EUR 99/month or EUR 79/month when billed annually. A 30-day trial is available. 

PPC Automation Solutions

16. Marin Software

Large businesses with complex search incentives will benefit from multiple Marin programs like bid and account management. Companies can easily create and access reports to take a statistical approach to the customer acquisition challenge. This B2B marketing automation tool also works well with Facebook, BingAds, and AdWords, and allows optimization of keywords and testing different ad copies. Customized views help marketing teams concentrate on core numbers or demonstrate them to customers. 

Pricing: you need to contact Marin Software directly to find out the prices.

17. Acquisio

With Acquisio’s AI-powered tool for lead estimation, your sales team can know how many leads each ad campaign will bring. The Acquisio Turning tool can analyze keywords in a specific industry in a certain region to estimate the CPC and make the best offer. You can integrate and visualize the Google Analytics goals of your team and monitor which keywords really convert. In addition to account performance on your dashboard, you can add personal KPIs to it and apply filters to see the details.  

Pricing: Acquisio offers plans for marketing agencies and local PPC resellers, but you need to contact the vendor directly for the prices.

18. Shape

This B2B marketing automation software aggregates all your PPC activities on one platform. Bing AdCenter, LinkedIn, and Facebook Ads, or Google AdWords PPC campaigns can be managed from one place. Shape can set daily budgets and notify you once you reach the numbers with its AutoPilot function or estimate expenditures for each campaign. 

Pricing: the Pro version starts at $299/month or $269/month when billed annually. A free trial is available.

19. Adalysis

Adalysis is a PPC platform that helps businesses to get notified about critical issues and optimization proposals in their ads, ad extensions, landing pages, keywords, etc. You can run A/B tests and see their results across six metrics. Create live reports or use more than 50 templates to monitor your ad performance in various platforms towards your marketing goals.

Pricing: starts from $99/month for the budget under $50k. A 14-day free trial is available.

B2B marketing automation software companies offer dozens of solutions. These 20 cover different aspects of your marketing strategy and are definitely worth trying. Whether you prefer an all-in-one product, or it will be a balanced combination of several tools, go ahead and test them out.

Good luck! 🙂

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