
Use Case for Endowment Fund

Learn how to attract investments from university alumni for the endowment fund by leveraging career advancement events as engagement triggers.

08 Jul 2024

Results for 3 months:


calls were booked

Case Backgrounds

Attract investments from university alumni for the endowment fund by leveraging career advancement events as engagement triggers. Using Signum.AI, a university in the USA tracked triggers with former students to attract investments into their endowment fund.


1. Gather Prospects:
Collected a list of alumni from the university’s database.

2. Set Up Tracking:
Added the alumni list to the tracking tool to monitor for career advancement events, such as job promotions.

3. Capture Signals:
Used the tracking tool to detect signals of alumni receiving promotions at their jobs.

4. Launch Email Campaign:
Sent personalized congratulatory emails to alumni who were promoted.

5. In the emails, congratulated them on their achievements and invited them to support the university’s endowment fund.

6. Follow-Up Campaign:
Scheduled follow-up calls with alumni who responded positively to the emails to discuss contribution details.

Metrics & Results:

1. Signals Tracked:
Monitored 500 alumni profiles for job promotions.

2. Emails Sent:
Sent personalized emails to 100 alumni identified with recent promotions.

3. Responses Received:
Received positive responses from 40 alumni expressing interest in contributing to the endowment fund.

4. Calls Booked:
Successfully scheduled 25 calls with interested alumni.