How to Boost Your Website Traffic: 7 B2B SEO Tips


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How often do you go to the second Google page? Yeah, you got us right. The first 10 results are usually enough for you to find the necessary info. Thus, businesses do their best to make it to the first page.

The more valuable your website is for users, the higher it gets to the top, the more users see it, and, eventually, the more traffic you get. Sounds cool, huh? All you need to do to start this process is to master SEO.

Here are 7 tips that can help you level up your website and get into the top 10 search results.

7 SEO Tips to Increase Website Traffic

1. Improve website structure and design

There are just two reasons why users leave your website within a few seconds: they found the right info straight away or they didn’t. The second case is crucial for you. Was it because they didn’t find the right CTA button or contact form where they expected them to be? Or was it bad navigation, non-readable text or poor design that made them close the page? Search engines don’t care about the reason. The users aren’t engaged with your content and it doesn’t correspond to their inquiry, so why rate you high?

Your ranking improves only if users stay on your webpage and explore it. So don’t miss a chance to catch them with a well-structured, intuitive, and perfectly designed website that helps your B2B inbound leads find answers.

2. Optimize your website for mobile

In the smartphone era, having a mobile version of a website is a must-have for every company. Most probably, you will be googled right from an iOS or Android device, so make sure the pictures, text and buttons do not overlay and are properly scaled, and the menu bar is located in the right place. Also, compress your multimedia files to boost loading time as users won’t wait for another 5 seconds.

Note that Google prioritizes the indexation of mobile-intended web pages (mobile-first experience), so make sure you offer a comprehensive mobile version of your website.

3. Think meta descriptions through

How does Google understand that your blog answers topic-related questions and brings value? It ”reads” the so-called meta descriptions.

What’s that? When you get the search results, the headings of the webpages are often similar, aren’t they? What makes them different? Those several sentences that appear under a heading these are the meta descriptions, and you can set them in a CMS. A good description shows what the post is about before the user opens it, which is really appreciated. So make those couple of sentences specific, and add 1-2 keywords.

It will also help avoid inner competition between other topic-related articles in your blog. But creating descriptions that are relevant, unique, and appealing is not always easy. Luckily, AI content generation tools can do this for you in seconds.

4. Describe visuals

A decent blog post usually has several pictures embedded. Since Google does not have eyes to see visuals, describe them in the alternative text section in your CMS (here is how it works in WordPress). Alt text will appear if your picture is not loaded. But don’t confuse it with a file name which can also be optimized, though.

Alt tags should be 8-10 words or up to 125 symbols long. Make them as relevant as possible: if you know the location, person, or event on the picture, name them. Otherwise, make a general description but closely related to your topic. For example, instead of just ”Woman making a presentation” let it be “SaaS startup CEO showing a demo to potential clients.”

If done accordingly, your image can be featured in Google image search results – which is a great way to stand out.

5. Embed long-tail keywords

Years ago, you only had to enter a word or two to find all the related information on the internet. Now, with billions of web pages of content, you have to add many more keywords to get precise answers. Also, voice assistants encourage long search requests.

Users enter full-size questions and long phrases to be as specific as possible and get intended replies quickly. No one has time to jump from link to link researching bits of information. And if you answer the prospect’s question first and do that in a credible manner you get a new user coming to your website, and search engines reward you.

Don’t incorporate many two-word key phrases, as this keyword stuffing does not work anymore. Instead, keep your post around the topic and make sure to add one or two high-volume keywords.

6. Create structured long reads

Search engines will rate your resource regarding its value to users. So, the longer your post is, the more chances the reader will have his questions answered. However, posting 4,000-word long reads for SEO purposes can be too much. According to HubSpot, an ideal SEO blog post should be about 2100-2400 words, which is quite a big article, isn’t it?

Even a thousand-word posts are quite hard to read, so make sure you don’t create a plain unstructured text. Add titles and subtitles (with keywords, of course), split paragraphs, use lists, bold font, neatly-designed citations, and don’t be afraid of white space. This will make your content scannable and help readers and search engines skim it easily.

External links

When you add links to credible websites in your post, especially if you support your claims with statistics and citations, Google gets evidence of you doing your homework well. And readers will trust you more and thank you for giving them highly relevant additional information up to time.

Internal links

Internal links are those that refer to your own website pages. Internal links make users even more engaged with your web resources, making them explore your website deeper. As a result, the chances of conversion multiply. Also, the way your pages link to each other helps engines grasp the structure of your website. The more consistent it is, the higher Google algorithms rate you. However, don’t put references only to bounce your SEO; always use them to support or broaden the statements.


Every backlink is a vote for your website, kind of a proof that it brings value and helps to find answers. This is equally true for readers and search algorithms and this is how you gain authority. You can get backlinks through guest posting or maintaining original, fresh, and relevant content. Users will appreciate a high-quality blog with a hyperlink to it.

Wrapping it up

That was our shortlist of easy-peasy tips that can improve your SEO rank in search results of Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Apply them to be found by your target audience and see your B2B traffic growing with qualified inbound leads.

Best of luck! 🙂

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